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Understanding Emotional Wellness

By August 10, 2022No Comments
Emotional Burnout

Let’s start with clearing a common misconception:  Emotional Wellness is not exactly the same as mental wellbeing.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, emotional wellness “fixates on being in sync with our emotions, sensitivity, and honesty.” It is crucial for cultivating resilience, self-awareness, and general happiness.

Bear in mind that optimal emotional health does not necessarily imply pleasure or the absence of unpleasant sensations. It’s about possessing the abilities and means to deal with life’s ups and downs.

So, how can you understand the concept of emotional wellness in more detail? Here are some ways to do this:

Discerning unpleasant emotions when they arise

Perceiving emotions allows you to identify them and deal with them more healthily. Instead of lashing out at someone who has hurt you, you might prefer to face them respectfully.

Alternatively, you could choose to establish some solid boundaries at the workplace or with near and dear ones.

Catching your self-judgments

Use that critical internal voice as a source of self-compassion and love. You might want to ask yourself questions like these if you notice yourself indulging in negative self-talk:

  • “How would I react if my kids, partner, or closest mate spoke to me in this manner?”
  • “What makes treating oneself in the same manner I treat others so complicated?”


When you’re inquisitive about your emotions, behaviors, and sentiments and why they happen during specific times, your emotional wellness improves.

It’s critical to be prepared to ask oneself questions like, “Why do I respond in this manner?” or “What specific event in my upbringing has led me to have such an intense reaction to x, y, and z?”

Why is emotional wellness significant?

As you acknowledge the emotions that provoke you and communicate them positively to yourself and everyone else, your endurance increases.

If we do not deal with our grief, we will undoubtedly convey it to those dear to us: our family, neighbors, colleagues, and, unavoidably, our children who are most vulnerable.

Initiate by noticing and controlling your emotions, sensations, and behaviors to overcome hardship.

This practice influences your actions and radically transforms how you manage difficult situations and make judgments.

Here are some ways you can improve your emotional wellness:

  1. Establish a routine. Make a timetable that allows you to manage your career with your desired life. Make a schedule for your meetings—set targets. Make space for reading. Prepare a new meal. Play some music.
  2. Connect with others. Your family deserves your love. Tune in with the people who are rooting for you. Ask for help whenever you need it. Get out of your comfort zone and explore something new. Spend time with someone you love and appreciate.
  3. Forgive and let go. Allow others to accept you while also forgiving yourself. You can preserve your strength when you forgive. Tolerance makes it possible to live in the present moment. Forgiveness enables personal development and pleasure.

Arzu Dogan explicitly terminates blockades in the way of one’s self-care journey in her uplifting tell-all “Follow Your Heart“. Get your hands on it now:

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