Who are Vitality and More?

Our Founder and the author of Follow Your Heart – Live, Eat, Be, Arzu Dogan healed herself of an autoimmune condition by following an organic diet, using holistic medicinal practices, implementing mindfulness to her daily routine, and shifting her focus and awareness on self-love, mental health and wellbeing. It helped her find her truth and purpose in life.


She is now sharing her experience and newfound purpose with others that are seeking guidance on how to heal naturally, practice self-love, find truth, connect to their heart space and transform from the inside out. From organic inspiration and tips, affirmations, to sharing healthy recipes, Arzu aspires to help you live your truth. She hopes to inspire others to awaken higher spiritual awareness and focus on mental health and wellbeing to live a life of health and abundance.


Arzu founded Vitalityandmore in 2015, and is committed to helping others grow and heal, just the way she did as she tells all in her book. She is deeply humbled and grateful to see the rapid expansion of her community and is especially excited to help people become better in tune with themselves, both through Vitalityandmore and her book. She’s here to guide you to live a life with love and purpose.


She says “Whilst we have inspired thousands of people with our holistic wellness, mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wellbeing tips, we are keen to continue to share this and more as we enter this new journey for Vitalityandmore”. The key to leading a life full of clarity and purpose is to strengthen the relationships we have with ourselves.

Where did it all begin?

Our Founder and Author, Arzu Dogan began writing about her healing journey after curing herself of an auto-immune illness. She found that food was the only medicine she needed and that she had been living a purposeless life. So, Arzu started reading self-help books, attended workshops, explored natural medicines, and unravelled the power of organic food. She paved a path for herself that gave her the potential to rise above her greatest doubts. She learned that through self-love, mindfulness and spirituality, one could find inner peace, purpose and live more truthfully.

She is now passionate to pass on her learnings with you.


“If there is light in your heart, you will find your way home” – RUMI

Let’s embark on a journey together into greater health, purpose, alignment, love, authenticity and live life with intention and gratitude.

Workshops coming soon…stay tuned.

In Love and Light,

“Be thankful for what you have; you'll end
up having more. If you concentrate on
what you don't have, you will never, ever
have enough.”

- Oprah Winfrey


say hi
to uplift your
soul and raise your vibration.

Mantras – Affirmations – Quotes

"If there is light in your heart, you will find your way home" – RUMI

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