30 Days of Affirmations – Background as to why they matter to us.

Affirmations can be a powerful tool in helping us to tune in to our inner guides—our hearts—and not worry about the external forces.

The most effective way to make these affirmations count is to speak them aloud in front of a mirror (if possible) and in a quiet place, where there are no distractions in your home or altar.

Repeat them at least three to five times.

Speak to your soul, speak to the universe, and say them with full intention, conviction, and love. No ego please! Speak as though they have already happened.

As mentioned previously, research tell us, and through my personal reading and learnings, that we can alter, reprogramme, and reverse our subconscious minds in six weeks or less, depending on how frequently you are committed to your spiritual practice and how well you can let go and focus on self-worth and self-love. There are always variables. You are, I am, we all are different. Our experiences are uniquely ours, yet we are all connected by spirit and energy.

We hope that these affirmations can guide you on your spiritual journey to following your heart and living a life full of love, truth, and purpose.

30 Days of Affirmations and Mantras to Promote Health, Love, and Speak Your Truth

(#30daymantraforhealthlovetruth) if you share these mantras on social media use this hashtag to connect with us or #vitalityandmore

  • DAY 1 – Today I choose ME, I AM here Now, Fully Present, Fully Alive and Fully Aware
  • DAY 2 – I AM at Peace with my Past
  • DAY 3 – I AM in Perfect Balance and A Limitless Being
  • DAY 4 – I WILL Follow my Inner Guidance, my Intuition – My Higher Self
  • DAY 5 – I AM the Creator of my own Destiny – I AM in Control of my Life
  • DAY 6 – I AM Following my Heart, my Soul is eternal and she (he) will ALWAYS Guide me to my Truth
  • DAY 7 – I AM Abundant in ALL areas of my life
  • DAY 8 – I release ALL that which does not serve Me
  • DAY 9 – I LOVE myself, I am Loved, I am ENOUGH
  • DAY 10 – I LET GO of ALL Expectations and Belief Systems
  • DAY 11 – I AM the person of my Dreams and I Accept Myself Fully and Unconditionally
  • DAY 12 – I AM Whole, Complete and In Alignment with the Universe
  • DAY 13 – I AM worthy beyond labels and seek NO Validation
  • DAY 14 – I AM the Light and the Universe Always Supports ME
  • DAY 15 – I AM an Infinite Being of PURE Consciousness
  • DAY 16 – What I seek, is Seeking ME – I AM the Divine Creator
  • DAY 17 – I AM Leaving my EGO Behind in the Past, it NO longer Controls ME
  • DAY 18 – I AM Safe and Protected – ALL is WELL
  • DAY 19 – I will speak my TRUTH and Stay Authentic and Real
  • DAY 20 – I AM Healthy and Wealthy – MY Body is MY Temple
  • DAY 21 – I LIVE in Harmony with my Mind, Body and Spirit
  • DAY 22 – I AM Grateful for ALL that I AM and ALL that I Receive
  • DAY 23 – I Choose JOY and LOVE, Releasing PAIN and FEAR
  • DAY 24 – I AM Beautiful and Imperfectly PERFECT in Everyway
  • DAY 25 – I AM in FLOW with Life and the Universe is in FLOW with ME
  • DAY 26 – I AM Spreading LOVE and Kindness Unconditionally
  • DAY 27 – I AM the Writer and Artist of MY Own STORY
  • DAY 28 – I ATTRACT Prosperity and Money FLOWS effortlessly to ME
  • DAY 29 – I EMBRACE My Lessons and I AM Stronger from Them
  • DAY 30 – I LIVE & Breathe with LOVE and TRUTH as MY Guide